You are a ScrumMaster, you hate your team and you want to give back what they did to you? Try these 10 things and you will be overwhelmed by the success 😉
- Be unaccessible for the team. Is the team self-organizing or not?
- Ignore their impediments they will vanish by itself
- Always schedule the Scrum meetings at different time and location. Your team loves suprises.
- Don’t protect your team.They are adults and don‘t need a babysitter anymore.
- Schedule the Scrum meetings as early or as late as possible.
- Lead the daily scrum by asking each team member the 3 questions and take notes
- Keep asking the team members to do things which are not planned for the current sprint
- Ignore any ideas from your team during the retrospective. You know best what to improve next.
- Always tell the team members what task to do next
- Be late, always.
You want to have slides for these items? Here you are:
[slideshare id=3675344&doc=10thingstodriveyourteamcrazy-100409090532-phpapp02]
Any other ideas on how to torture your team? Let me know.
I recently had a scrum training. These suggestions are hilarious for a scrum master.
Hello Marc, I’ve translated into french your great post :
10 choses que le ScrumMaster peut faire pour rendre dingue l’équipe
By the way, the video is no more available on Blip.
Regards, Fabrice