Five ideas to improve your Daily Scrum


Minuten Lesezeit

April 3, 2017

Brücke über Wasser

Werde zu einem hervorragenden Scrum Master!

Hol Dir das Probekapitel meines Buchs "Die Scrum Master Journey" und lerne, wie Du ein besserer Scrum Master wirst, als 99% der anderen da draußen.

In my experience, the Daily Scrum is one of the most misunderstood  Scrum meetings. Here are my favorite ideas, to improve your Daily Scrum

Get rid of the Scrum Master and Product Owner

One of the biggest issues with Daily Scrums is that they are executed like reporting meetings. People feel the need to prove, that they have been working the last 24 hours, especially if the Product Owner or Scrum Master is around. But that’s not the point of the Daily. The Daily Scrum is a meeting for the team to plan their day. It’s like a mini Planning meeting. So, kick the PO and SM out of the Daily and start focusing on what to accomplish on the new working day.

Forget about the past

Talking about the past for hours is easy. You don’t have to make things up, as they have already happened. But 90% of what you have experienced the day before is just boring stuff nobody is interested in. Try to get rid of the part in the Daily where you talk about the last working day. Instead, plan the day ahead. Who needs help? Who will pair with whom? What are today’s challenges? How can we make sure, that we finish some tasks by the end of the day? etc.

Walk the board

Use you task board aka Sprint Backlog during the Daily. Only talk about things that are on the board. Add something, if it is missing. Use the tasks on the board to guide the Daily, instead of taking turns. Whoever has to contribute something, chimes in. That way, you start planning your day. As already mentioned: Ignore tasks, that are in the „Done“ column. Only talk about things in the past, if they are important to all team members.

Start with appreciations

We tend to forget to say „thank you“ to our teammates. Why not begin the day with appreciating, what others have done for you or the team the day before? That’s an excellent way to start the day with a smile.

Show what you are working on

If you really cannot resist talking about what you have achieved the day before, why not showing it instead of just talking about it? This way, your work gets way more tangible. Maybe, you’ll even get some nice feedback, which helps you to improve your work even more. And yes, it’s possible within 15 minutes.

What other tips do you know to improve the Daily? Don’t hesitate to add a nice comment. Thank you 🙂

About the author 

Marc Löffler

Marc Löffler ist Keynote-Speaker, Autor und Mentor für passionierte Scrum Master. Er befasst sich schon seit 2005 leidenschaftlich mit agilen Methoden, wie z.B. Scrum, Kanban oder eXtreme Programming. Bevor er mit dem Thema Agilität in Berührung gekommen war, hat er als zertifizierter Projektmanager (IPMA) bei Firmen wie Volkswagen, Siemens und EADS erfolgreich multinationale Projekte geleitet. Mit Begeisterung hilft er Unternehmen dabei, agile Werte zu verstehen und genau die Form von Agilität zu finden, die zum jeweiligen Unternehmen passt. Dabei nutzt er sein PASSION Modell, um die jeweilige Situation zu analysieren und sinnvolle nächste Schritte hin zur passionierten, agilen Organisation zu definieren. Er liebt es, neue Einsichten zu generieren, und unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, Probleme aus kreativen, neuen Blickwinkeln zu betrachten. Seit September 2018 ist er zertifizierter Professional Speaker GSA (SHB) mit der besten Keynote seines Jahrgangs. Im Jahr 2014 erschien sein Buch „Retrospektiven in der Praxis“ beim dpunkt.verlag. Im Jahr 2018 folgte das Buch „Improving Agile Retrospectives“ bei Addison Wesley. Im Februar 2022 folgte dann das Buch "Die Scrum Master Journey" beim BusinessVillage Verlag.

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  1. Marc,

    Here are few more ideas:
    + set a timebox per person
    + focus only on a goal
    + measure cycle time for items in a sprint (ie. when you are planning to work on a story and you speak about it, then add a dot to visualise invested time)
    + people working on the same thing speak one after another
    + revisit a plan till and of sprint after daily/by the end of daily


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