The problem with Scrum (or any other agile framework) is that it won’t solve any of your problems. It’s like your evil mother in law, pointing at all the things that are not working or look strange, e.g. not being able to deliver something valuable at the end of a sprint. Scrum will make all your dirty little secrets visible, and that’s it. Now it’s up to you to tidy them up. Nobody else will do it, but you. If you ignore it, nothing will change, and none of your problems will vanish. Sorry, but continuous improvement is at the core of agile.
Fortunately, Scrum will support you to experiment, by providing a safe to fail framework, where you can try new experiments and immediately check if they had the desired effect. Retrospectives are giving you the time and space to inspect and adapt. It is also, fortunately, that there are plenty of books and blog posts, where you can find millions of ideas about what you can try next. Also, the agile community is there to help. That’s excellent news, isn’t it?
But if you are still waiting for your manager, your organization, your colleague or the cleaning lady to do the first step, you’ll wait forever. Change starts with you. Be the change you’d like to see. Lead, by changing the way you work and inspire others. I know that it takes some courage to do so, but that’s why courage is one of the values of the Scrum framework, right? Don’t ask for approval! Just do it and apologize later (if needed). Thank you.