I’m currently participating at the Agile Coach Camp Germany 2010 in Rückersbach near Frankfurt. As some of you already know I’m a lightning talk addict and so I couldn’t resist to do a one this evening. After a bunch of great talks I did my talk on the topic „7 things to sabotage an AgileCoachCamp“. Here is my list:
- Don‘t propose any topics for the open space sessions.
- Ignore the facilitator
- Disturb any sessions by continuously asking questions that are not related to the session topic.
- Don‘t participate on any games. You‘re not a child anymore.
- Talk on your mobile as loud and often as possible.
- Leave, now!
- Don’t talk at all.
I didn’t use slides but if you need some, here you are:
[slideshare id=3924493&doc=7thingstosabotageanagilecoachcamp-100430171403-phpapp02]
Here is the video of the talk. Have fun 🙂 :
Please pay close attention to this blog’s title! This man is a danger to us all. Let’s help him get lost in the woods before breakfast, quick!! Love, Deb.
Oh man, now I know why they tried to invite me for a loooong work in the woods. Good that I was a boy scout and know how to find my way back 😉
Our beloved entertainer 🙂
He is completely right! – I’ve tried and it works! 😉